Monday, June 26, 2017

The Bell Witch, A true Poltergeist encounter .

The Bell Witch or Bell Witch Haunting is a poltergeist legend from the 19th-century Bell family of Adams, Tennessee.
An artist's drawing of Betsy Bell, originally published in 1894
John Bell Sr., who made his living as a farmer, resided with his family in Adams, Tennessee in the early 1800s. According to folklore in 1817, his family came under attack by a witch.
Image may contain: outdoor In the 1894 book An Authenticated History of the Bell Witch, author Martin Van Buren Ingram claims that the poltergeist's name was Kate, and that she frequently cursed the Bell family out loud. The activity centered on the Bells' youngest daughter, Betsy, and worsened after she became engaged to one Joshua Gardner.
Several accounts report that during his military career, Andrew Jackson was intrigued with the story and was frightened away after traveling to investigate.
Other stories relate that the family was haunted by scratching noises outside their door after Bell found a half-dog, half-rabbit creature. Some stories end up with Bell being poisoned by the witch. Accounts vary about the witch being someone who had been cheated by Bell or a male slave whom Bell had killed
The Bell Witch or Bell Witch Haunting is a poltergeist legend from Southern folklore, centered on the 19th-century Bell family of Adams, Tennessee.
An artist's drawing of Betsy Bell, originally published in 1894
John Bell Sr., who made his living as a farmer, resided with his family in Adams, Tennessee in the early 1800s. According to folklore in 1817, his family came under attack by a witch.
In the 1894 book An Authenticated History of the Bell Witch, author Martin Van Buren Ingram claims that the poltergeist's name was Kate, and that she frequently cursed the Bell family out loud. The activity centered on the Bells' youngest daughter, Betsy, and worsened after she became engaged to one Joshua Gardner.
Several accounts report that during his military career, Andrew Jackson was intrigued with the story and was frightened away after traveling to investigate. Other stories relate that the family was haunted by scratching noises outside their door after Bell found a half-dog, half-rabbit creature. Some stories end up with Bell being poisoned by the witch.[ Accounts vary about the witch being someone who had been cheated by Bell or a male slave whom Bell had killed
All of the above accounts of the legend are drawn from two sources. In part, the Goodspeed article was a source, but newspaper publisher Martin Van Buren Ingram provided most of the material. Seventy-five years after the Bell Witch events, he wrote An Authenticated History of the Bell Witch. Ingram states that he based his book on the diary of Richard Bell, who was a son of John Bell, Sr. The events happened when Richard Bell was 6–10 years old, but he didn't write the diary until he was 30. According to Brian Dunning no one has ever seen this diary, and there is no evidence that it ever existed:
"Conveniently, every person with firsthand knowledge of the Bell Witch hauntings was already dead when Ingram started his book; in fact, every person with secondhand knowledge was even dead." Dunning also concluded that Ingram was guilty of falsifying another statement, that the Saturday Evening Post had published a story in 1849 accusing the Bells' daughter Elizabeth of creating the witch. That article does not exist either.
According to Radford, the Bell Witch story is an important one for all paranormal researchers: "It shows how easily legend and myth can be mistaken for fact and real events and how easily the lines are blurred" when sources are not checked.
Dunning wrote that there was no need to discuss the supposed paranormal activity until there was evidence that the story was true. "Vague stories indicate that there was a witch in the area. All the significant facts of the story have been falsified, and the others come from a source of dubious credibility. Since no reliable documentation of any actual events exists, there is nothing worth looking into.
Dunning concludes, "I chalk up the Bell Witch as nothing more than one of many unsubstantiated folk legends, vastly embellished and popularized by an opportunistic author of historical fiction. Radford reminds readers that "the burden of proof is not on skeptics to disprove anything but rather for the proponents to prove... claims".
Joe Nickell has written that many of those who knew Betsy suspected her of fraud and the Bell Witch story "sounds suspiciously like an example of “the poltergeist-faking syndrome” in which someone, typically a child, causes the mischief."
There have been several movies based, at least in part, on the Bell Witch legend, including The Blair Witch Project in 1999, Bell Witch Haunting in 2004, An American Haunting in 2005, Bell Witch: The Movie in 2007, and The Bell Witch Haunting in 2013.
The Danish metal band Mercyful Fate have a song titled "The Bell Witch" on their 1993 album In the Shadows.[10]
Seattle-based doom metal band Bell Witch took their name from this legend.
The American television series Ghost Adventures filmed an episode at the Bell Witch Cave.[11]
There is a new series - "Cursed: The Bell Witch" - based on the latest members of the Bell family trying to end the curse. It aired October 2015 on the A&E Network.
Tennessee author William Gay wrote a novel, published posthumously in 2015, entitled Little Sister Death, about the Bell Witch.
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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Letter to the president..

Not Paranormal, but just felt like posting in here lol...
This is a Letter i sent to a few senators and others earlier this month..

The main part of this letter in concerning the top two leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Saxby Chambliss, and her resent attempts to overwinter part of the U.S. constitution IE Freedom of Press, However there are many serious problems AND People in Washington right now that should be addressed..

President Obama.

Mike Hayden.

Dianne Feinstein.

Saxby Chambliss.

Kit Bond.

Ron Wyden.

Mike Rogers.

Dutch Ruppersberger.

To Miss Feinstein and whom ever else it may concern.

I'm writing to you today because of my concerns that we as American citizens that we are losing more and more of our individual freedom, because of dangerous and down right crooked laws being passed by you and other self serving egocentric representatives like you!!

The Governments ever tightening strangle hold on Americas civil liberty's and god given right to freedom is becoming increasingly disturbing, This is a serious problem which seems to be ignored by most politicians The federal government is continually seeking information from organizations that collect personal information, such as wireless carriers Verizon, At&T etc, that can supposedly aid law enforcement and intelligence organizations. While this may seem like an important tool for enforcing the law and fighting terrorism, it also essentially makes almost every interaction whether private, business, or otherwise somewhat self-incriminating.because of the passing of bills such as The PATRIOT Act of 2001,Drones over U.S. Airspace, the recent FISA Expansion, SIGAD US-984XN Also known as PRISM (NSA spying Program, The NDAA.. (National Defense Authorization Act) ..The suspension of Habeas Corpus and possible indefinite Detention of anyone the government clams to be a potential threat, meaning anyone that disagrees with the totalitarian ideology that seems to permeate Washington these days..... Can and will be held prisoner if not killed on the spot, which would not surprise me in the lease given the way the police are !

That combined with Eric Holders ( U.S. Attorney General ) Statement back in March Claiming that The Obama administration believes it could technically use military force to kill an American on U.S. soil in an "extraordinary circumstance" but has "no intention of doing so"...Yeah until you next False Flag attack then you will have all the reason you need to test the boundary of your authority, (Martial Law) and if Obama doesn't then the next person in office will, Government abuses and miss uses authority at every given opportunity!

Now retired General Michael Hayden, former director of the CIA and NSA under the Bush administration was The man who secretly implemented that illegal domestic spying program, The very same Michael Hayden who is now frequently presented by the media outlets as the authority and expert on the current NSA controversy - all without ever mentioning the central role he played in overseeing that illegal warrantless eavesdropping program. At the time it was illegal under a 30-year-old law that made it's a felony, punishable by up to 5 years in prison for each offense, He should be rotting in a cell right now for that alone, not to mention the unclassified project's that he has in charge of during his time in office... Although both the Bush and Obama DOJs ultimately prevented final adjudication by raising claims of secrecy and standing, and the "Look Forward, Not Backward (for powerful elites Now you call for Edward Snowden to be punished and made an example of because he released information to the public about your lie's and spying on U.S citizens , your statement that Edward Snowden will likely prove to be the most costly leaker of American secrets in the history of the Republic...Sorry Mike but you are still as clueless as ever the government dose NOT and should never (despite what some believe) have absolute authority, to spy, imprison, or kill just to further individual or political agendas, all your years of armed service to our country have sadly done very little good for your sense of patriotism, thats a shame!

As a senator, Spokesman, Member of the Military etc, you and your fellow representatives ( Greedy, warmongering,lobbyist loving Government lapdogs) are suppose to represent the interests and concerns of the people that elected you, and uphold the Constitution, Not systematically strip away our rights as U.S citizens.

The recent attempt by Dianne Feinstein to pass legislation that if successful will redefine what a journalist is, (Meaning you will get ride of any and all Alternative News outlets online or otherwise in favor of the government run dribble that is Main stream media) as well as your disturbing statement that The First Amendment Is A Special Privilege Not a right. Is just Bull shit!!

You and every other member of the House and Senate all the way up to the President and every Government employ are only in office to pass laws that will benefit the nation as a whole, but all you seem to be able to do right is bitch and moan to one another, and take extended vacations on the tax payers dime!

Just a short Refresher course,,,(You Miss Feinsteinas as a senator SHOULD already know this.....

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the FREEDOM OF SPEECH, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791.

Whats next State Controlled Media, oh what we already have that....All main stream media is a fixed game run by the Government, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, ABC CBS etc. This is nothing more then a blatant attempt to circumvent the constitution and limit the peoples rights as well as the free flow of information.

The NSA, CIA, and DOI, not to mention the military, Secret Service, FBI and DHS and many other groups dedicated to espionage and spying on anyone and everyone, this is Not a free country anymore and it's been going downhill for a long time now.The government is more concerned with War Profiteering and lobbyist hand outs that they no longer care about the needs of average Americans anymore, Unless your wealthy that is!

On another topic why try to limit gun ownership which is The Second Amendment, The right to Keep and Bear Arm's.. in case that one somehow slipped your mind too. Citizens can not be trusted but its perfectly acceptable for the Government to stockpile 2 Billion Rounds of ammunition... Lie's, Deception and hypocrisy that is the way you do things in Washington anymore.. It's pathetic!

President Obama you were elected to bring change to an already corrupted government, and well i do agree with some of your policy's there are far to many things that i do not agree with such as your recent attempt to get us into yet another conflict over seas, The lose of so many people is a terrible thing, but America is NOT the world Police, our economy is in trouble, we have had more then enough of these bull shit wars and we just need a leader that will put the people of this country first, Bush saw greed and and opportunity to take control of foreign oil as well as settle a personal grudge he had with Saddam regarding his father, Far to many good men and woman died for that Americans and Iraqis, and we as a nation are still paying for that mistake we are now trillions of dollars in debt!

America is in desperate need of the change that you spoke of, and it must be change for the better stop allowing the passing of bills that limit or downright remove our constitutional rights, as President it is up to you to turn this country around.

We need term limits for ALL members of congress, No more Lobbyist controlled vote's, No More life time politicians, Stop trying to re-writ the constitution based on your individual interpretation of it, or to suit your own political need's, Stop funding wars and start taking care of the people you are suppose to represent!
Do your dame Jobs or leave office and let someone more capability of holding office and putting people before corporations and personal greed take over!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Montana Town Abducted

                                             Montana Town Abducted

     Just An Article i thought was interesting ....
Jim Marrs
Every town has its secrets.
But one small town in Montana has a secret that’s out of this world.
It is a secret that has been hidden behind the town’s pure Americana image for more than 50 years and has even provoked several “urban legends” in the area. It is a secret that stretches the boundaries separating the normal workaday world from the great multidimensional universe that surrounds us all.
Almost everyone has heard one story or another concerning UFOs. But at least two dozen residents of this one small community of 3,000 relate experiences with something unworldly --- from simple UFO sightings to actual landings and abductions.
It’s as though this one town, an endearing model of small-town America, was chosen as the object of UFO attention.
The biggest problem with alien abduction stories is that they are just that – stories. Rarely is there any independent verification for such accounts. For the first time, a new video entitled The Secret of Redgate narrated by New York Times Best Selling author Jim Marrs uses multiple techniques to probe and analyze the amazing stories emanating from this one small community --- polygraph exams, hypnosis and government-developed remote viewing (RV).
The town’s incredible secret began to surface in the mid-1990s when one former resident of the town launched her own investigation into the strange and unworldly experiences reported there.
Following painful and life-threatening surgery, Linda Croonquist began having troubling dreams and vague recollections of meeting strange beings as a child growing up on a Montana ranch.
Her curiosity was further piqued when she contacted her brother Steve. He not only confirmed the contact but was actually shocked that Linda didn’t fully remember the incident. “You were there,” he said. “You talked with our little grey friends. I don’t understand why you didn't remember this.”
Intrigued, Linda set out on a quest, a search for the reality within her memories. It was a trail which led back to her roots, back to her hometown of Deer Lodge. Linda began to contact old high school classmates and friends from her younger days. Amazingly, nearly all of them told one fascinating story or another about the area east of Deer Lodge known as Redgate.

This town of about 3,000 residents lies in Deer Lodge Valley located in Southwest Montana, about midway between Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks.
Since the end of the mining boom in Montana, Deer Lodge has subsisted on farming and ranching and its main tourist attraction --- the old Montana Territorial Prison which was the scene of a famous 1959 riot and today houses both the Old Prison Museum and the Montana Auto Museum.
It is a quiet and peaceful community nestled in a long valley which runs north and south along the west slope of the Continental Divide. Sandwiched between two ranges of the Rocky Mountains which intercept most of the rainfall, Deer Lodge is a relatively dry place, accumulating only about 10 inches of rain per year
But if the fields are dry, the town’s numerous bars are not. Particularly on weekends, the local watering holes are filled with both young and old who look to the taverns as information and community centers. Here the stories concerning Redgate gain momentum and color.
The experiences in this one tiny town have continued for more than 50 years. For many years, people declined to talk about them fearing ridicule. “But, heck, I’m old enough now that I just don’t care what anyone thinks. I know what I know,” explained one man in his 50s.
Beginning in the 1950s and continuing right up to today, the area in the mountains east of Deer Lodge was a favorite teenage parking spot. It came to be known as the Redgate area because of an old wooden gate which bisected one of the only roads into the area. The gate at one time had been painted bright red but by the 1950s, only a few reddish streaks remained. Today the gate still stands but there is no sign of the original red paint.

Powell County High School encompasses all of the young people in the area and occasionally the bolder ones would find themselves on a date in the Redgate area. Open rolling and treeless fields, where Pronghorn antelope and deer are seen at all hours of the day and night, slope upward to the dark and piney woods of the Deerlodge National Forest.
Dick Slater, now of Missoula, Montana, grew up in Deer Lodge Valley and attended Powell County High School. He still clearly recalls a strange incident while out on a date in 1962:

“A friend and I double dated and we were in a place called Quake Lake, which was the result of an earthquake off of Yellowstone Park where a number of miners were buried some years ago. This was at night. We were parked on top of the slide area where there were still about 27 bodies that they never did recover. The radio was on. It was a warm evening, in late June if I remember and all of a sudden the radio went off, the music went off. I didn’t pay much attention to it. But the friend that was with me was a pretty good mechanic, so we got out, popped the hood and took a look. Nothing looked out of order. We didn’t know if maybe the battery had gone dead or whatever, so we got back in the car and tried to decide what to do since it was in such a remote area. Then all of a sudden the radio came back on. So we started the car, the lights turned on and everything. We didn’t think too much about it and turned the engine back off.
“Within a period of about 10 minutes, the radio went off again. As soon as the radio went off, the thing I most remember about this, the thing that made it so unique to me, was the stillness, the absence of noise, the vacuum, around us. I noticed the pine needles in the nearby trees were moving yet there was no breeze. There was nothing. It was just completely still. We all sat observing this and were actually scared. We just sat there. It lasted for probably, as best I can remember, a couple or three minutes, maybe a little longer. Then the radio came back on and we started the car and left.”
Shaken by the bizarre incident, Slater vowed never to visit the area again. But just about two weeks later, he was driving within a few miles of the place and remembered the incident.
“It was two in the morning and I was whipping right along and my memory went back to the incident and I thought, ‘Man, this would be a terrible place for your car to quit.’ I was going quite fast because I was anxious about this for whatever reason and wanted to get by there. Then right at the junction to Quake Lake the car quit. The radio went off, the lights went off and I coasted about half a mile, then the lights came back on and I started the car and went on. I had power brakes and power steering on this old ’58 Pontiac and it was tough to steer. I never tried to stop. I wasn’t interested in stopping the car. In fact, I would have liked to have gone as far away from that place as I could.”
Stories like that of Dick Slater increased over the years. Other people reported strange power outages, bright lights moving in the night skies and eerie sounds. Soon, all the teenagers knew the Redgate area to be a strange and spooky place. But no one seemed to know why.
It seemed almost inevitable that the mystery of Redgate evolve into a story of murder.
There were various versions of the tale but everyone agreed that the basics involved a crazed man who killed his family in cold blood and then smeared their blood on the wooden gate. These anecdotes persisted well into the 1980s.
It did not take long to dispel the blood-on-the-gate story. Powell County Sheriff Scott F. Howard said a search of police records showed that no such murder ever occurred but he gave indication that something much more strange lay behind the murder legend.

“While my office has received no official reports,” he explained. “I have heard many stories about people here having encounters with UFOs.”
Sheriff Howard suggested a talk with Louis Menicucci, owner of a bakery in downtown Deer Lodge.
Menicucci told of several strange incidents including a neighbor who experienced two horse mutilations and the landing of a UFO near his home in Redgate area. Angela Menicucci Malmberg, Louis’ daughter, vouched for father’s accounts and added a few of her own. .

As word of Linda’s research spread through the town, others began to come forward.
Gene G. Hughes, owner of D L Auto Supply in Deer Lodge, told how his aunt and uncle in the 1970s watched a huge brightly-lit football-shaped object land in a meadow near their mountain home. Hughes’ wife Elaine related how a giant UFO landed in the road just ahead of a friend.
Cass Casquilho told of standing in the mountains and watching what appeared to be a comet stop still in the night sky more than twice before continuing on its way. The curious sight was witnessed by fellow hunters in the 1970s.
Verda Clawson and her friend Helen Schaffer told of a snowmobiling outing in the 1980s which ended when an eerie “beeping” sound chased the group off a mountain in the Redgate area. A large dog with them became frightened and cowed. The two longtime Deer Lodge residents related the same details in separate interviews.
Mark Denton, who knew Linda in high school, recalled chasing a solitary bright light through the mountains on more than one occasion back in the 1960s. “It would appear to be right in front of us,” he said. “But just as you topped one hill, it would be over the next. We never did catch the thing.”
Bill Kelley, another of Linda’s high school classmates, had quite the opposite experience. He told of one night in 1962 when he, his brother and another friend were driving home late after a dance in Deer Lodge.
“We were all pretty tired,” Kelley recalled. “Usually there was never anyone on the roads that late at night. But all of a sudden I looked in the rearview mirror and there’s a single bright light. I thought to myself, ‘Hmmm, that’s interesting. I wonder who the hell is following us’ or something like that.

“This thing just kept getting brighter and brighter and pretty soon the inside of our car was bright. My brother looked at Kenny and just jumps into the back seat. Then Kenny followed him into the back seat. Well, I’m driving, so I can’t jump in the back seat. It was bright all around us. But as fast as it got bright, it just went away again and my brother says, ‘Aw, it’s just the moon.’ But we looked up and there’s the moon and I thought, ‘There’s not two moons that I know of.’”
Linda was not satisfied with Bill’s story. She felt there must have been more to it, so she asked Bill to undergo hypnosis. Bill agreed and more details of his late night encounter were revealed.
While in a hypnotic state, Bill relived the incident with all its fear and intensity.
“I’m not afraid…I’m not afraid,” he kept mumbling to himself while describing how his brother Jack and Kenny were yelling, “Go, Bill, go! We gotta get out of here! It’s getting closer!” Bill pushed the 1960 Pontiac sedan as fast as it would go on the twisting dark gravel road but the light kept coming.
Despite the pleas of his passengers, Bill stopped the car. “I gotta see…” he muttered stepping from the vehicle.
Awash in a brilliant light shining down on him, Bill stared upward and murmured in awe, “My God, look at the size of that thing…it’s unbelievable.”
But here his narration became confused and disjointed. He squirmed in the comfortable padded chair directly in front of the hypnotist. “I’m a little bit afraid,” he acknowledged in a small quiet voice. “This is not good. This is not good.”
Bill account under hypnosis ended with no real clarity of what happened, as though something had blocked the incident from his memory.
So a technology was employed --- remote viewing. RV for a quarter of a century was developed and used secretly by the United States Government, first by the CIA and later by the US Army and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).
Remote Viewing is the ability to view persons, places and things at a distance by means other than the normal five senses. It was initially studied by the CIA beginning in the 1970s and eventually was used operationally by the U.S. Army’s Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM). The use of remote viewing was first made public in 1995 and since that time, a growing number of persons have trained in this form of second sight.
While no one in government will admit to officially viewing UFOs, every single military-trained remote viewer had personal knowledge of the subject. Many times viewers were sent to view foreign submarines or aircraft only to encounter mysterious flying disks.

Linda Croonquist located about half dozen remote viewers who had certification in RV and had undergone testing to validate their effectiveness. This was the first time RV has been systemically used to penetrate accounts of UFOs and abductions and the results were amazing.
The viewers were asked to look at Bill Kelley’s account. Of course, they were told nothing that would clue them to this case. A person sent a number code which represented Bill’s encounter to a monitor who did not know what target the code represented. The monitor then passed the target code to the viewer. This is what is known as a “double blind” session, one in which neither the viewer nor the monitor knows the target.
The results were astounding.
Viewer # 1: “The primary target subject is a teenage male, slight to athletic build, brown hair, white…There are a total of three subjects (all male) in a car. The primary subject is the driver…This road is dirt covered and large enough for two cars to pass, but it is tight…There are no houses close, but in the distance are isolated farm houses and it is approximately 15 miles to the nearest town. This is in the early 1960s.”
Yet another viewer reported: “The primary target is a 19-year-old white male, tall, muscular build, dark brown hair with light colored eyes. The primary subject is driving a car on a lonely stretch of road in the evening through forested, hilled and mountainous terrain. There are no urban centers near. It is set in the early 1960s.”
It was obvious that the viewers were right on target --- Bill Kelley and his passengers driving down that isolated road at night. But much more details were brought out by the remote viewing.
“I am looking at a flying object with subjects inside…non-human creatures,” wrote one viewer. Another saw “Bright, bright light and energy, rising up from the ground…some kind of very powerful electro-magnetic energy emitted from a vehicle of transportation…a feeling of rising up…transporting human subjects…I deduct like in ‘Beam me up, Scotty.’…subject fearful, frozen in shock, frozen feelings…awe…stunned…time that was lost…an implant in the brain.”
The viewers concluded: “Three male subjects driving at night in a rural area. The target seemed to be an actual event involving a vehicle and a blindingly bright light. The event involved transporting subjects. The subjects were frightened, shocked and awed…It seemed like an alien abduction [by means of] a bright light beam.”
One even produced a very clear drawing of what was seen --- three human figures being drawn up into a saucer-shaped craft by a cone of energy.
(Continued on next page)

Impressed with the results of both the hypnosis and remote viewing, Linda Croonquist began to apply these investigative tools to others. Additionally, a polygraph examination, commonly called a lie detector test, was administered to several of the Deer Lodge narrators, including Kelley and Croonquist by James A. F. Kelly, former Chief Inspector of Security for the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission and a former assistant director of the International Association of Chiefs of Police. Kelly found no evidence of deception on the part of anyone connected to the Redgate stories.
Remote viewers saw that Dick Slater’s experience with loss of power also involved a UFO but that there was no contact or abduction. It was simply a chance encounter, a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Such incidents continued right up until today. Josh Garrison and Brandon Kent, both in their early 20s, said they saw a bright light moving in a field in the Redgate area. Thinking it was a “swather,” a farm harvester, with bright headlights, the young men approached to see if it was one of their friends. But as they approached, the light suddenly sped off and disappeared. This incident occurred in the summer of 2003.

But both Linda and her brother were a totally different case. Their experiences went far beyond simple sightings or bright lights.
Several hypnosis sessions along with lengthy remote viewing studies showed that the Croonquist siblings had been taken by non-human entities several times in their childhood beginning with the time that seven-year-old Steve introduced his five-year-old sister to “his little grey friends”. Separately, they both provided identical and detailed descriptions of both the circumstances and their abductors.

Linda vividly described multiple trips aboard UFOs and her interaction with a variety of alien beings, including a kind and compassionate one that looked like a preying mantis. As there were no preying mantis’s in Montana, Linda named this entity the “Grasshopper Lady”. Steve described his visit to another world, one filled with canals under a dim sun.
The Secret of Redgate is reminiscent of the wildly popular 1960s book and movie concerning the alien abduction of Betty and Barney Hill. But that was just one couple from New Hampshire. The Redgate incidents concern more than two dozen persons, all from one small Montana town.
The unworldly secret of Redgate is the focus of the feature-length video documentary which in early 2004 won the coveted “People’s Choice Award” at the International UFO Congress and Film Festival.
The feature is written and directed by Jim Marrs and produced by Lynda Cowen with Redgate Presentations of Dallas. The innovative photography and editing is by David Hickey and the original musical score by Billy Atwell of New York.
The Secret of Redgate also is presented at a website entitled which features not only the conscious stories of many of the inhabitants of Deer Lodge but presents verbatim transcripts of hypnosis sessions and remote viewing studies. The site also contains photographs of the people and places involved along with drawings made by the remoter viewers and professionally-produced illustrations adding to the drama of these stories
Never before have stories of alien encounters and abductions been subjected to such intense and multi-disciplinary scrutiny.
While it will be up to the individual viewer to decide if the Redgate secret is real, the personal stories of so many residents of one small town make for riveting and compelling viewing. And the unique combination of a journalistic investigation together with hypnosis and remote viewing analysis ensures that The Secret of Redgate will be in demand by every person intrigued by the mysteries that surround us here on this tiny fringe planet called Earth undefined

Glowing UFO Sightind in U.K.

Glowing UFO IN U.K.

A bright unidentified object was videotaped on Sunday as it appeared to descend above the countryside of Leeds, U.K.

The object gave off a very bright light as it slowly approached treetops. According to the YouTube description, credited to someone identified as Blip Street, "It was small and far away but looked just like the video. I thought it was a hot air balloon for a moment cos (sic) it was high and not moving."
The witness apparently went to retrieve a video recorder and continued: "When I came back with the camera, it got lower. I expected my camera to show it in focus, but it was just a light. My camera is pretty good and so I was surprised it didn't pick up on what the object was."
Here's the Leeds, UK, UFO video in question.
Commenters began chiming in with their own explanations, including the following from

Anonymous wrote: "Aircraft lights." Another Anonymous: "Bit big for aircraft lights. Whatever it was, you would think that others saw it too, or was it easily identifiable?"
A third Anonymous wondered: "A sunset on a very hazy day?"
Luis From Argentina wrote: "Is there an airport near of the place? If it's yes, well, so I believe that's a plane just to land."
As it turns out, there is an airport -- Leeds Bradford International Airport -- just 10 miles northwest of the city of Leeds.
Could this little fact be part of the explanation for this particular UFO?
"The lights are predominantly an orange-yellow color. The landing lights on an aircraft are bright enough to be visible 90 miles from the airport when it's on approach," said Marc Dantonio, chief photo/video analyst for the Mutual UFO Network.
"These lights are consistent with the color at a distance of landing lights from an aircraft as seen from perhaps 8 to 15 miles distance. The brightness is also consistent with lights at that distance," according to Dantonio, in an email to The Huffington Post.
The video expert -- who works on projects contracted to him by Congress, the U.S. Navy, the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Washington and various television channels -- watched closely at how the reported Leeds UFO lights were arranged.
"The light object is predominantly spread in a horizontal pattern, and there appears to be more than one light which appear to blend together to form one long mass of light. But during the video, you can see glimpses of clarity where more than one light is indicated. This is consistent with landing lights on the wings of an aircraft."
Dantonio also emphasizes how, in many cases, UFOs that appear to descend, are not really doing that.
"It actually was approaching from a distance. The foreshortened distance caused the apparent vertical descent illusion. Based on that assessment, the object wasn't hovering but was clearly in motion. I believe it was on a long, gradual descent vector. This is also consistent with aircraft on approach."
So, what we most likely have here is an object that was temporarily unidentified, until expert eyes helped move it into the status of identified.

Other UFO's.....
  • UFOs Over Michigan -- Jan. 10, 2013

    This changing sequence of lights was seen over Warren, Mich., on Jan. 10, 2013, moving in patterns similar to balloons or lanterns.
  • UFO over Moscow -- May 2, 2012

    There are so many videos and photos taken everyday by people around the world who just happened to be at the right place and at the right time with a video camera to record unusual lights or objects in the sky -- sometimes at night, other times during the day. Statistically, 95% of UFO sightings are easily explained. Leaving 5% of UFO sighting's completely unexplained....What do you think are we really being visited by beings from another planet maybe even another star system? If so why, for what purpose would a highly advanced race capable of interstellar travel need to come to some low tech backwater planet like this?
  • Cincinnati, Ohio -- Sept. 28, 2012

    Three brightly lit objects over a Cincinnati high school. UFOs or, as some claim: skydivers?
  • UFO over a Russian city -- June 19, 2012

  • A triangle-shaped UFO over Sydney, Australia -- May 2, 2012

  • Triangular light formation over Tennessee -- April 29, 2012

  • UFOs in triangular pattern over England -- April 26, 2012

  • Diamond-shaped UFO over Pasadena, Calif. -- 2009

  • UFOs over St. Petersburg, Russia -- April 9, 2012

  • UFO video over Las Vegas -- March 21, 2012

  • UFO over Fresno, Calif. -- March 1, 2012

  • UFO over Fresno, Calif. -- February 2011

  • Donut-shaped UFO, Ural Mountains, Russia -- January 2012

  • Triangle pattern of lights over Michigan -- Jan. 9, 2012

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Cowley County, Kansas... UFO?

2011 has been a popular year for UFO sighting's just the last week or so has been pretty busy !

Just a short while ago in  Cowley County, Kansas  Eyewitnesses saw what they claimed to have seen what some of people suspecte was an actual extra-terrestrial craft being wheeled through their streets.  It was only last Monday afternoon when a very large shrink-wrapped, saucer-shaped object was seen being towed down Highway 77 in Cowley County's .  The strange object was so large authority's had to temporarally remove street signs so that side's of the craft wouldn't hit them.

Several locals filmed this massive craft being moved through there town... The saucer was at least 30 feet wide.  Of course, the local authorities  immediately announced there was no need to be alarmed. 

As Yahoo News reports, Sheriff Don Read told the town's people  that this was a actually just a drone created by  Northrop Grumman.  Later a  PR man from Northrop Grumman claimed that this strange  craft was just an X-47B drone, destined for use by the Navy.  Not a UFO...

Of corsce  we all know the Gvernment would never lie to the people, i mean it's not like they would keep such a thing like this a secret right?.....

Don't kid yourself, the Government always lie's for one convoluted, or self serving reason or another, the public will only ever hear misleading fact's or half truth's, if anything at all.....

The PR man, whose official name is Brooks McKinney, just added to the frisson of fright by saying:

"Clearly people are interested in what's going through town. It's unusual to see a shrink-wrapped aircraft, especially one with that shape."

Weather or not you believe the government's official, "This is just a Drone and nothing more" explanation is internally up to you, but the fact that the residents couldn't see through the wrapping to confirm that this was really a spy plane, is what seems to be fueling there curiosity most of all..

Mr McKinney even had an answer as to why the drone didn't fly to its alleged destination in Maryland: "It's difficult to fly an unmanned drone through commercial airspace."
It all sounds very plausible.  But in times in when Earth like planet's are being discovered on a somewhat frequent bases, and UFO sighting;s around the world seem to be on the rise, who can really be sure what to believe in anymore?

So was this a Real Life UFO or just a Drone, who know's, But something strange is happening, and no amount of PR spinning is going to change that.

Keep watching the sky's, you never know what you may see....

Friday, February 11, 2011

the Rendlesham UFO sightings in the UK in 1980 is one of the most famous UFO case in the world...

Christmas night  December 1980. At 3am, airman John Burroughs was patrolling the east gate of Woodbridge air base, also known as ‘Bentwater’. As Burroughs walked the parameter, his superior officer  Bud Stevens pulled up in a truck and Burroughs got in. The two drove into Rendlesham Forest, when Stevens noticed a strange light emanating from the woods.

The immediately returned to base  and called the flight desk from a secure phone line.
The base’s central security control "CSC" sent Sgt Jim Penniston to investigate, Penniston arrived at the east gate soon after, When Burroughs and Stevens told him about the strange lights, he was hesitate to believe them  until he saw the lights with his own eyes. Penniston said that there were coloured lights, and he thought there an been an airplane crash.....the colours resembled titanium and burning fuel. They received  permission to investigate,  though Stevens was too afraid and soon left. They drove into the woods, and continued on foot through the forest. during the walk to the craft they noticed strong interference on their radios. They eventually reached a clearing when the light became so bright it almost blinded them. Penniston came to within 10ft of the craft and the light dimmed. When his eyes finally adjusted he was able to see the craft more clearly. He said it was triangular in shape and smooth, with no engines or cockpit. He walked around the ship taking notes, and photos with his military camera. during his investigation he reached out and touched the ship, later stating that  it felt smooth like glass, and had lights that appeared to be “in the fabric of the craft”. He also saw symbols roughly  3ft in size on the craft. Suddenly the craft let out a blinding flash of light, the two men took cover not knowing what to expect,  then watched as it slowly lifted off the ground and then shoot off over the trees in the blink of an eye.
Later back at the base, the men where called in for debriefing, and were given a warning Not to talk about what they had seen!!
Later that night Penniston returned home but was unable  sleep he couldn't stop thinking about what he had seen, so he decided to go back to the site and  make a few plaster casts of any indents left by the craft. 
He found three impressions in a triangular pattern on the ground, one and a half inches deep and seven inches wide, he made a casts of each one, but didn’t tell his superiors.
At this point he had notes,  film and casts to back up his strange story. 
At the nearby US military base, there was a large weapon storage area, and  even though information on what was actually stored there is still officially classified, researchers and observers seen to agree that a massive nuclear arsenal was stored in the concrete bunkers beneath the base. 
This could possible explain why a  UFO would risk landing in the area.

On  December 27 1980, Only two day's after the first sighting the deputy base commander, Lt Charles Halt, was attending a Christmas party at the officer’s club when one of his officers arrived looking nervous and distressed.
He told his commander “It’s back. The UFO is back”. After two nights of disturbing stories, Halt wanted to investigate for himself. He assembled a team of three security officers, and met them at his quarters. When Halt arrived at the forest the officers at the location told him that the UFO was no longer visible but for some reason the flood light keep losing power.  Halt and his team headed into the forest expecting to give some kind of a  rational explanation for the odd events. though he experienced the same radio interference that Burroughs and Penniston had experienced only  two nights earlier.
During there observation in the wood's they noticed gashes on the trees as they got closer to the lights their Geiger counter began recording high levels of radiation around the gashes, but nowhere else, which was very strange, indacating that a radioactive material had recently come in contact with the tree's.
Halt recorded the event on his tape recorder.
Then suddenly, they hear the local farm animals making a lot of noise, and a red light appeared in the distance when they reached 200 yards from the site. Halt recalls the red glowing object began zig-zagging through the trees towards them, and was dripping what appeared to be molten metal. They followed the object into a field nearby, where it stayed for  around 30 seconds. They witnessed bright ‘sparks’ shooting off the object, and said that the object ‘silently exploded’ with white sparks coming off it; so, they went into the field searching for evidence or burn marks.
They where unable to find anything in the field, but overhead the triangle object suddenly turned and approached them at high speed then stopped above them before sending down a beam, which Halt described to be “like a laser beam”. Everybody stared in awe. Then, the light suddenly disappeared, and the object speed away. The men watched as the object moved around the sky above the base, and continued to beam lights to the ground as it moved. It appeared as though the object was beaming lights directly into the base’s weapon storage area where nuclear missiles were reportedly housed. Then, Halt’s recorder ran out of tape. The craft was still hovering in the distance, but the men didn’t know what to do. The men then headed back to their base, when Burroughs turns up at the base, and he was concerned by the men’s behaviour as they returned from the field. Burroughs then spotted a blue light in the same clearing that Halt had just examined, and he asked Halt for permission to go and investigate. He was permitted, so Burroughs and another officer went. They headed towards the blue glow in the field, and Burroughs began to run toward the light and then suddenly it disappeared and the two men were left in darkness, afraid and confused. Burroughs colleague asked “What happened to you?”. Confused, Burroughs asked what he meant and he replied that he was “involved in the light”, and said that Burroughs was there, then he was in the lights and then he was gone.
Burroughs and his colleague had just chased a blue light into the field, and were unaware that an investigation involving Government agencies was already  underway.
During the investigation Charles Halt began debriefing the airmen who first  reported the craft. Burroughs said his interview was clear cut. But Penniston said that after his meeting with Halt, a long and disturbing process began!

Two weeks later, Penniston was called in for another debriefing, this time with the Office of Special Investigations (OSI). He began his statement and showed them the sketches and notes of his experience. Penniston has a very hard time remembering much more of the interview, and cannot recall what tactics the OSI used to extract his information. He says that they took extra steps to ensure that he was telling the truth, including an injection of sodium pentothal  ‘truth serum’. He believes that he gave them permission for this injection but cannot remember clearly weather he did or not.

The debriefing soon  became more sinister as more men were called in for questioning . The officer who was  accompanying  Burroughs when they first saw the blue light was called for interrogation, and to this day will not talk publicly about what happened, but he confided  author, Georgina Bruni, who he told  the investigators told him that what he saw was the light from the local lighthouse, but he tried to tell them it was something else. They would not let him leave until he agreed with what they had said and told him that “bullets are cheap”, at which point he agreed to stick to the lighthouse story. According to other officers, they were all told never to speak of the incident again.
Buroughs confirms that after his questioning he was put back on post, Though there where  officials going in and out of the woods and helicopters flying over where the sightings had taken place. 
Halt was also aware of covert activities going on at the base. Penniston and Halt, who had both taken photos of the craft, had their prints returned from the base’s photo lab only to find that both of their films were blank. They believe this was part of the cover up.
Halt also believed he was intentionally  being kept in the dark. Halt was soon asked to type up a memo based on his interviews with other witnesses, and send it to his superiors. His understanding was that the document was to be shared with the UK Government, and did as he was told. His memo was called ‘unexplained lights’. His superiors filed the memo away, and eventually the rumors died down. For three years, the public was kept in the dark, until  October of 1983 when a new witness surfaced with a claim about the UFO encounter.  in 1983 New's of the Word hit the shelves with the headline ‘UFO Lands in Suffolk And That’s Official’. The article claimed that a craft moving under intelligent control invaded the skies above the Woodbridge air base in December 1980, but most interesting piece of evidence which confirmed the alleged sightings. was a document that  turned out to be the memo from Charles Halt. But, how was it leaked? '
The document was brought to light by Larry Warren, a former security officer from the base. This is what led to the freedom of information act.
Warren says that he also witness the events of that night, and recalls being called from his post to the woods. 
When he arrived at the clearing he says that he saw the glowing object with other officers standing in front of it, but he also says that there were three small glowing creatures standing there facing the officers. Warren claims that the officers were communicating with the ‘beings’ before they went over and pulled him from the clearing. The next day, he was taken into a room with other witnesses for debriefing. He was shown, along with other witnesses, by three men in suits who showed the witnesses films of military activity going back 40 years
Like other witnesses, Warren said the more that he was questioned, the more blurred his memories became. 
The next thing he remembers is being taken against his will to an underground facility, where he say's doctors and military officers were all around him. 
He has another memory of being in a dining hall trying to eat, and totally alone. But, the other witnesses claim that Warren’s stories are not entirely true. Parts of Warren’s stories do match up with other witness accounts, such as the glowing craft shortly after Christmas 1980, but Warren is the only man to claim seeing life forms. Also, none of the other witnesses remember seeing Warren in the woods on the nights that the sightings took place.

Then in 2002, newly  declassified government files revealed facts about the strange nights in the woods. These documents confirmed that the government had investigated the incident in 1981. 
you have to  wounder what else the government is really  hiding!! .

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Phill Schnieder.

This post is a dedication Phil  Schneider !!!

Phill was one of only  three people to survive the 1979 fight between the large Grey Aliens , US intelligence and military at  the Dulce underground base.

Tragically he was found dead in January 1996, due to what was most likely an execution.... in fact that's exactly what it look's like an ( execution  style murder.)

He was found dead in his apartment with a piano wire wrapped around his neck. According to some  sources, it appeared that he  had suffered torture before he was finally killed.  

Seven months prior to his death , Schneider did a lecture on the
forces he had discovered at Dulce.

 IN PHILL'S WORD'S....................................................................

"It is because of the horrendous structure of the Federal Government that I feel directly imperiled not to tell anybody
about this material. However I would like to mention that this talk is going to be broken up into four main topics. Each of
these topics will have some bearing on what you people are involved in, whether you are patriots or not."

"I want you to know that these United States are a beautiful place. I have gone to more than 70 countries and cannot
remember any country that has the beauty, as well as the magnificence of it's people, like these United States."

"To give you an overview of basically what I am, I started off and went through engineering school. Half of my schooling
was in that field and I built up a reputation for being a geological engineer, as well as a structural engineer with both
military and aerospace applications. I have helped build two main bases in the United States that have some significance
as far as what is called the New World Order. The first base is the one at Dulce, New Mexico.

I was involved in 1979 in a fire fight with alien humanoids and I was one of the survivors. I'm probably the only talking
survivor you will ever hear. Two other survivors are under close guard. I am the only one left that knows the detailed files
of the entire operation. Sixty- six secret service agents, FBI, Black Berets and the like, died in that fire fight. I was there."

"Number one, part of what I am going to tell you is going to be very shocking. Part of what I am going to tell you is
probably going to be very unbelievable, though, instead of putting your glasses on, I'm going to ask you to put your â
€˜scepticals' on. But please, feel free to do your own homework. I know the Freedom of Information Act isn't much to
go on, but it's the best we've got. The local law library is a good place to look for Congressional Records. So, if one
continues to do their homework, then one can be standing vigilant in regard to their country."
Deep Underground Military Bases
"I love the country I am living in more than I love my life, but I would not be standing before you now, risking my life, if I
did not believe it so. The first part of this talk is going to concern deep underground military basses and the black budget.
The Black Budget is a secretive budget that garners 25% of the gross national product of the United States. The Black
Budget currently consumes $1,25 trillion per year. At least this amount is used in black programmes, like those
concerned with deep underground military bases. Presently, there are 129 deep underground military bases in the United

"They have been building these 129 bases day and night, unceasingly, since the early 1940's. Some of them were built
even earlier than that. These bases are basically large cities underground connected by high-speed magneto-leviton trains
that have speeds up to Mach 2. Several books have been written about this activity. Al Bielek has my only copy of one
of them.

Richard Souder, a Ph-D architect, has risked his life by talking about this. He worked with a number of government
agencies on deep underground military bases. In around where you live in Idaho, there are 11 of them." "The average
depth of these bases is over a mile and they again are basically whole cities underground. They are all between 2.66 and
4.25 cubic miles in size. They have laser drilling machines that can drill a tunnel seven miles long in one day. The Black
Projects sidestep the authority of Congress, which as we know is illegal. Right now, the New World Order is depending
on these bases. If I had known at the time I was working on them, that the NWO was involved, I would not have done
it. I was lied to rather extensively."
Development of Military Technology, Implied German Interest in Hyperspacial Technology, and More
"Basically, as far as technology is concerned, for every calendar year that transpires, military technology increases about
44.5 years. This is why it is easy to understand that back in 1943 they were able to create, through the use of vacuum
tube technology, a ship that could literally disappear from one place and appear in another place. My Father, Otto Oscar
Schneider, fought on both sides of the war. He was originally a U-boat captain, was captured and repatriated in the
United States. He was involved with different kinds of concerns, such as the Abomb, the H-bomb and the Philadelphia
Experiment. He invented a high-speed camera that took pictures of the first atomic tests at Bikini Island on July 12,
1946. I have original photos of that test, the photos show UFO's fleeing the bomb site at a high rate of speed. Bikini
Island at the time was infested with them. Especially under the water and the natives had problems with their animals
being mutilated. At that time, General MacArthur felt that the ext war would be with aliens from other worlds." "Anyway,
my father laid the groundwork with theoreticians about the Philadelphia experiment, as well as other experiments. What
does that have to do with me?

Nothing, other than the fact that he was my father. I don't agree with what he did on the other side, but I think that he had
a lot of guts coming here. He was hated in Germany. There was a $1 million reward, payable in gold, to anyone who
killed him. obviously, they didn't succeed. Anyway back to our topic - deep underground bases."
The Fire Fight at Dulce Base
"Back in 1954, under the Eisenhower administration, the Federal government decided to circumvent the Constitution of
the United States and form a treaty with alien entities. It was called the 1954 Greada treaty, which basically made the
agreement that the aliens involved could take a few cows and test their implanting techniques on a few human beings, but
that they had to give details about the people involved. Slowly, the aliens altered the bargain until they decided they
wouldn't abide by it at all. Back in 1979, this was the reality and the fire fight at Dulce occurred quite by accident. I was
involved in building an addition to the deep underground military base at Dulce, which is probably the deepest base. It
goes down seven levels and over 2.5 miles deep.

At that particular time, we had drilled four distinct holes in the desert and we were going to link them together and blow
out large sections at a time. My job was to go down the holes and check the rock samples, then recommend the
explosive to deal with a particular rock. As I was headed down there , we found ourselves amidst a large cavern that
was full of outer-space aliens, otherwise known as large Greys. I shot two of them. At that time, there were 30 people
down there.

About 40 more came down after this got started and all of them got killed. We had surprised a whole underground base
of existing aliens. Later, we found out that they had been living on our planet for a long time, perhaps a million years. This
could explain a lot of what is behind the theory of ancient astronauts."

"Anyway I got shot in the chest with one of their weapons, which was a box on their body, that blew a hole in me and
gave me a nasty dose of cobalt radiation. I have had cancer because of that."

"I didn't get really interested in UFO technology until I started work at Area 51, north of Las Vegas. After about two
years recuperating after the 1979 incident, I went back to work for Morrison and Knudson, EG&G and other
companies. At Area 51, they were testing all kinds of spacecraft. How many people here are familiar with Bob Lazar's
story? He was a physicist working at Area 51 trying to decipher the propulsion factor in some of these craft".
Schneider' s Worries About Government Factions, Railroad Cars and  Shackle Contracts
"Now, I am very worried about the activity of the Federal Government. They have lied to the public stonewalled senators
and have refused to tell the truth in regard to alien matters. I can go on and on. I can tell you that I am rather disgruntled.
Recently, I knew someone who lived near where I live in Portland, Oregon. He worked at Gunderson Steel Fabrication,
where they make railroad cars. Now, I knew this fellow for the best part of 30 years and he was a quiet type. He came
in to see me on it, one day, excited, he told me "they're building prisoner cars.'

He was nervous. Gunderson.. he said had a contract with the federal Government to build 107,200 full length railroad,
each with 143 pairs of shackles. There are 11 sub-contractors in this giant project. Supposedly, Gunderson got over 2
billion dollars for the contract.

Bethlehem Steel and other steel outfits are involved. He showed me one of the cars in the rail yards in North Portland.
He was right. If you multiply 107,200 times 143 times 11, you come up with about 15, 000, 000. This is probably the
number of people who disagree with the Federal Government. No more can you vote these people out of office. Our
present structure of government is "technocracy''- not democracy, it is a form of feudalism. It has nothing to do with the
republic of the United States. These people are godless and have legislated out prayer in public schools. You can get
fined up to $100.000 and two years in prison for praying in school. I believe we can do better. also believe that the
Federal Government is running the gambit of enslaving the people of the United States. I am not a very good speaker,
but I'll keep shooting my mouth off until somebody puts a bullet in me, because it;s worth it to talk to a group like this
about these atrocities".
Americas Black Programme Contractors
"There are other problems. I have some interesting 1993 figures. There are 29 prototype stealth aircraft presently. The
budget from the US Congress five-year plan for these is $245.6 million.

You couldn't buy the spare parts for these black programmes for that amount So, we've been lied to. The black budget
is roughly $1.3 trillion every two years. A trillion is a thousand billion. A trillion dollars weighs 11 tons. The US Congress
never sees the books involved with this clandestine pot of gold. Contractors of stealth programmes: EG&G,
Westinghouse, McDonnell Douglas, Morrison-Knudson, Wackenhut Security Systems, Boeing Aerospace, Lorimar
Aerospace, Aerospacial in France, Mitsubishi Industries, Ryder Trucks, Bechtel, I G Farben, plus a host of hundreds
more. Is this what we are supposed to be living up to as a freedom-loving people? I don't believe so."
Star Wars and Apparent Alien Threat
"Still, 68% of the military budget is directly or indirectly affected by the black budget. Star Wars relies heavily upon
stealth weaponry. By the way, none of the stealth programme would have been available if we had not taken apart
crashed alien disks. None- of it. Some of you might ask what the "space shuttle" is "shuttling." Large ingots of special
metals that are milled in space and cannot be produced on the surface of the earth. They need the near vacuum of outer
space to produce them. We are not even being told anything close to the truth. I believe our government officials have
sold us down the drain lock , stock and barrel.

Up until several weeks ago, I was employed by the US government with a Ryolite-38 clearance factor - one of the
highest in the world. I believe the Star Wars programme is there to solely to act as a buffer to prevent an alien attack - It
has nothing to do with the "cold war", which was only a toy to garner money from all the people - for what? The whole
lie was planned and executed for the last 75 years."
Stealth Aircraft Technology Use by US Agencies and the United Nations
"Here's another piece of information for you folks. The Drug Enforcement Administration and the ATF rely on stealth
tactical weaponry for as much as 40% of their operations budget. This is in 1993, the figures have gone up considerably
since. The United Nations used American stealth aircraft for over 20% of it's collective world-wide operations from
1990 to 1992, according to the Centre for Strategic Studies and UN Report 3092.11
The Guardians of Stealth and Delta Force Origins of the Bosnia Conflict
"The guardians of Stealth: There are at least three distinct classifications of police that guard our most well-kept secrets.
Number one, the Military Joint Tactical Force(MJTF), sometimes called the Delta Force or Black Berets, is a multi-
national tactical force primarily used to guard the various stealth aircraft worldwide. By the way, there were 172 stealth
aircraft built. Ten crashed, so there were at last count about 162. Bill Clinton signed them away about six weeks ago to
the United Nations. There have been indications that the Delta Force was sent over to Bosnia during the last days of the
Bush administration as a covert sniper force and that they started taking pot shots at each side of the controversy, in
order to actually start the Bosnia conflict that would be used by succeeding administrations for political purposes."
Thoughts on the Bombings in the United States
"I was hired not too long ago to do a report on the World Trade Centre bombing. I was hired because the 90 some -
odd varieties of chemical explosives. I looked at the pictures taken right after the blast. The concrete was puddled and
melted. The steel and the rebar was extruded up to six feet longer than it's original length. There is only one weapon that
can do that - a small nuclear weapon. That's a construction-type device. obviously, when they say that it was a nitrate
explosive that did the damage, they're lying 100% folks. The people that they have in custody probably didn't do the
crime. As a matter of fact, I have reason to believe that the same group held in custody did do other crimes, such as
killing a Jewish rabbi in New York. However, I want to further that with the last explosion in Oklahoma City, they are
saying that it was a nitrate or fertilizer bomb that did it."

"First they came out and said it was a 1,000 pound fertiliser bomb. Then it was 1,500. Then 2,000 pounds. Now it's
20,000. You can't put 20,000 pounds of fertiliser in a Ryder Truck. Now, I've never mixed explosives, per se. I know
the chemical structure and application of construction explosives. My reputation was based on it. I helped hollow out
more than 13 deep underground military bases in the United States.

I worked on the Malta project, in West Germany, in Spain and in Italy. I can tell you from experience that a nitrate
explosion would not have hardly shattered the windows of the federal building in Oaklahoma City.

It would have killed a few people and knocked part of the facing off the building, but it would never have done that kind
of damage. I believe that I have been lied to and I am not taking it any longer, so I'm telling you that you've been lied to."
The Truth Behind the Republican Contract with America
"I don't perceive at this time that we have too much more than six months of life left in this country, at the present. We are
the laughing stock of the world, because we are being hoodwinked by so many evil people that are running this country. I
think we can do better. I think the people over 45 are seriously worried about their future. I'm going to run some scary
scenarios by you. The Contract with America. It contains the same terminology that Adolph Hitler used to subvert
Germany in 1931. I believe that we can do better. The Contract with America is a last ditch effort by our federal
government to tear away the Constitution and the Bill of Rights."
Some Statistics on the Black Helicopter Presence
"The black helicopters. There are over 64,000 black helicopters in the United states. For every hour that goes by, there
is one more being built. Is this the proper use of our money? What does the federal government need 64,000 tactical
helicopters for, if they are not trying to enslave us? I doubt if the entire military needs 64,000 worldwide. I doubt if all the
world needs that many. There are 157 F-117A stealth aircraft loaded with LIDAR and computer-enhanced imaging

They can see you walking from room to room when they f ly over your house. They see objects in the house from the air
with a variation limit of 1 inch to 30,000 miles. That's how accurate it is. Now, I worked in the federal government for a
long time and I know exactly how they handle their business."
Government Earthquake Device, AIDS as a Bioweapon Based on Alien Excretions.
"The federal government has now invented an earthquake device. I am a geologist and I know what I am talking about.
With the Kobe earthquake in Japan, there was no pulse-wave as in a normal earthquake. None. In 1989, there was an
earthquake in San Francisco. There was no pulse-wave with that one either. It is a Tesla device that is being used for evil
purposes. The black budget programmes have subverted science as we know it. Look at AIDS, invented by the
National Ordinance Laboratory in Chicago, Illinois in 1972. It was a biological weapon to be used against the people of
the United States. The reason that I know that is that I have seen the documentation by the Office of Strategic Services,
which is by the way still in operation to this day, through the CDC in Atlanta.

They used the glandular excretions of animals humans and alien humanoids to create the virus. These alien humanoids that
the government is hobnobbing with are the worst news. There is absolutely no defence against their germs -none. They
are a biological weapon of terrible consequence. Every alien on the planet needs to be isolated."

"Saddam Hussein killed 3.5 million Kurdish people with a similar biological weapon. Do we, the people of this planet,
deserve this? No, we don't, but we are not doing anything about it. Every moment we waste, we are doing other people
on the planet a disservice."

"Right now I am dying of cancer that I contracted because of my work for the federal government. I might live six
months. I might not. I will tell you one thing. If I keep speaking out like I am, maybe God will give me the life to talk my
head off. Eleven of my best friends in the last 22 years have been murdered. Eight of the murders were called "suicides."
Before I went to talk in Las Vegas, I drove a friend down to Joshua Tree, near 29 Palms. I drove into the mountains in
order to get to Needles, California and was followed by two government E-350 vans with G-14 plates, each with a
couple of occupants, one of which had an Uzi. I knew exactly who they were. I have spoken 19 times and have
probably reached 45,000 people. Well,, I got ahead of them and came to a stop in the middle of the road. They both
went on either side of me and plummeted into a ravine. Is this what it is going to take? I cut up my security card and sent
it back to the government and told them if I was threatened, I have been,that I was going to upload 140,000 pages of
documentation to the Internet about government structure and the whole plan. I have already begun that task. Thank you
very much."
Phil Schneider May 1995

Phil Schneider never got the chance. Dead 7 months later.
Testimony of Phil's Ex-Wife , Cynthia Schneider Drayer
About Phil and the matter concerning
His Death

Introduction by Cynthia Drayer

                    My name is Cynthia Drayer, I live in Portland, Oregon, and I am the
 ex-wife of Philip Schneider. Philip and I met in 1986, were married in
 Carson City, Nevada, and had a daughter, Marie, in 1987. We were
 divorced in 1990 and lived in separate residences. Philip lived in an

 apartment complex in Wilsonville, Oregon. On 1/17/1996 I received a
 call that Philip was dead in his apartment and apparently had died up

 to a week before his body was discovered. At the time of the removal
 of his body, his cause of death was by a stroke. When I went to the
 funeral home I had feelings of discomfort about his death. I asked to

 view the body, but due to decomposition, the funeral director
 suggested otherwise. I wanted to be sure, in my own mind,. that Philip
 had not died under "unnatural causes". For the last two years of his
 life, Philip had been on the "lecture tour" throughout the United
 States, talking out about government coverups. You name it, he was
 talking about it: Aliens (treaties and abductions), UFO's, the One
 World Government, Black Budgets, Underground Mountain Bases, CIA
 involvement in civilian murders and drugs, Stealth technology, the
 Philadelphia Experiment, Operation Crossroads (Bikini Island A-bomb
 experiments), Dulce Fire Fight, the Oklahoma bombing, the World Trade

 Center bombing, missing children, Gunderson Freight Cars, the opening
 of concentration camps and Marshal Law/UN involvement, man-made
 viruses and earthquakes, etc.etc.

 A day later, I received a call from the Clackamas County Detectives,
 that the funeral director had found "something" around Philip's neck.

 An autopsy was performed at the Multnomah County Medical Examiner's
 office (in Portland, Oregon) by Dr. Gunson, and she determined that
 Philip had committed suicide by wrapping a rubber cathater hose three
 times around his neck, and half-knotting it in front. There are
 several reasons why I believe that Philip did not commit suicide, but
 was murdered:
 1. There was no suicide note.
   2. Philip always told his friends and relatives, that if he ever
      "committed suicide" you would know that he had been murdered.
   3. From a number of sources, including his taped lectures (video and
      audio), and statements to his friends, and the borrowing of a 9mm
      gun, Philip felt that he and his family were being threatened and
      were in danger because of his lecutres.
   4. All of his lecture materials, alien metals, higher math books,
      photographs of UFO's coming out of the Operation Crossroad
      A-Bomb, notes for his book on the alien agenda, were missing.
      (Everything else in the apartment was still there, including gold
      coins, wallet with hundreds of dollars, jewelry, mineral
      specimens, etc.)
   5. No coroner ever came out to his apartment after his body was
      found (against Oregon Law) - and a police investigation never
      took under consideration that items were missing from his
      apartment - it was considered a suicide, plain and simple
   6. The medical examiner took blood and urine samples at the autopsy

      but REFUSED to analyze them, saying that the county would not
      "waste their money on a suicide". Although I was assured that
      the samples would be kept for 12 months, when I asked for these
      samples to be sent to an independent lab 11 months later they
      were "missing" and presumed "destroyed".
   7. Philip had missing fingers on his left hand, and limited motion
      in his shoulders. I believe that it was physically impossible for
      Philip to have held the rubber hose in his left hand with missing
      fingers and then wrap the hose three times with shoulders that
      had limited motion. In order to end up where his body was, he had
      to sit on the edge of his bed, wrap the hose around his neck,
      slowly and painfully strangle to death, and fallen head first
      into a wheel chair.
   8. Philip was an expert in chemicals and his own medical needs. He
      had multiple pills at hand that could have ended his life quickly
      and painlessly. He also had a 9mm gun that he had borrowed to
      protect himself. Why strangle himself in such an unusual manner?

   9. Philip was very religious, and did not believe in suicide. He had
      intense chronic pain all of the time I knew him. At the time of
      his death, he was on disability, had a housekeeper, and had
      cancer. The operation to help him with his back pain did not
      alleviate the pain and he had brittle bone syndrome
      (osteoperosis). He struggled every day, not to die, but to live.

      He felt that these lectures he gave was making a difference, and
      was looking forward to giving more. In fact he was scheduled for
      another lecture tour that started 1/16/96 in Tampa, Florida. He
      had just found a friend who was going to help him write a book
      about the New World Order, and he was enjoying his time with his
  10. Philip was undergoing "injections" of "Beta Serone" every week in
      an experiment to stop his multiple sclerosis. After his death I
      contacted the only agency that conducted these experiments to
      obtain his medical record (OHSU). They had never heard of him,
      and he was not a part of their experiments. This would suggest
      people unknown were injecting him on a weekly basis with an
      unknown substance. He often times called me after these "shots"
      to tell me that he was too sick for his daughter to come and
      visit. I believe that the shots that Philip thought were being
      given to him to help him back to health, were actually being
      given to him to make him sick.
  11. Philip was seen with an "unknown blonde haired woman" for several
      months before his death. Several times this same individual was
      seen or talked about and her mysterious presence only leads one
      to wonder if she had anything to do with his "suicide".
  12. Several people with psychic abilities have indicated that Philip
      did not commit suicide, but was murdered (some say by 5 people: 4
      men and 1 woman, 4 directly and one by taking out a "contract".

 It is perhaps important to know WHY Philip began lecturing.
 Firstly: His background was as a Structural Engineer. He was an expert
 on explosives and their effects on geologic structures. He worked
 under two social security numbers. Most of his early work in
 underground mountain bases with Morrison-Knudsen was done using the
 wrong social security number. I was later able to prove that he had
 two numbers through the social security office when I applied for his
 daughter's death benefits. He worked for the Army Corps of Engineers
 and U.S. Navy with the same wrong number. Only after he obtained SSI
 in 1981 did his "real" number come into play. He always told me that
 he had a Rhyolitic Clearance and that his father had a Cosmic
 Clearance from his work with NATO. And that is the second reason why
 Philip began lecturing.

 Secondly: On top of his first hand knowledge about underground
 mountain bases and government black budgets, and the alien agend as (he
 was one of the survivors of the Dulce Fire Fight with aliens in New
 Mexico) his father was also involved in government black projects.
 When Philip's father, Captain Oscar Schneider, Medical Doctor, United

 States Navy, died in 1993, Philip discovered documents and photographs
 in his father's basement which proved that Oscar had been involved in
 both the Philadelphia Experiment and Operation Crossroads. Philip now
 had letters written in the 1940's and 1950's showing that Oscar helped
 to isolate the crewmembers of the Philadelphia Experiment and that
 Oscar later autopsied them as they died. He also had photographs of
 UFO's fleeing through mushroom clouds after the A-bomb was dropped
 above the lagoon at Bikini Atoll. This was "Operation Crossroads" and

 Oscar was involved in medical examinations of the animals and humans
 exposed to radiation after the bomb was dropped.

 Thirdly: I believe the main reason why Philip began to lecture was due
 to the "murder" of his friend Ron Rummel. Ron was found in a park in
 Portland in Sept. 1993. The police believed that he had committed
 suicide by shooting himself in the mouth. However, if you read the
 detectives report, there is blow-back blood on Ron's hand, but NO
 BLOW-BACK BLOOD ON THE GUN. The only way this could happen is if Ron
 had wiped the gun off AFTER he had shot himself in the mouth. Ron,
 Philip, and 5 other people had been collaborating on a little magazine
 called "The Alien Digest". It was starting to get a fairly wide
 circulation, when Ron was found in the park. Philip felt that his
 friend had been murdered, and decided that it was time to get
 everything out into the open, so he began "spilling the beans", and
 ripped up his security clearance card.

 Pufori, through Jeroen Wierda, is one of several agencies and
 individuals that have taken up the call for justice in Philip's death.

 My hopes are:

   1. That Philip's death certificate will eventually be amended with
      the true cause of his death: murder.
   2. That the world will come to know the truth about aliens, UFO's,
      the government cover-ups, black budgets, etc. and how they are
      affecting us.
   3. That assets that belong to his only heir, Marie, can be located
      and turned over to her.
   4. That Philip's true work quarters can be proven by people coming
      forward with information about knowing him before 1981, and that
      his daughter can eventually obtain the death benefits she
   5. That no more "murders by suicide" ever occur to another

Do your research and stay informed, the government will Lie, Discredit or Kill anyone that opposes them, or attempts to impede the plane's  that  furtherance of there destructive agenda ......

RIP Phill Schnieder...