Saturday, December 24, 2011

Cowley County, Kansas... UFO?

2011 has been a popular year for UFO sighting's just the last week or so has been pretty busy !

Just a short while ago in  Cowley County, Kansas  Eyewitnesses saw what they claimed to have seen what some of people suspecte was an actual extra-terrestrial craft being wheeled through their streets.  It was only last Monday afternoon when a very large shrink-wrapped, saucer-shaped object was seen being towed down Highway 77 in Cowley County's .  The strange object was so large authority's had to temporarally remove street signs so that side's of the craft wouldn't hit them.

Several locals filmed this massive craft being moved through there town... The saucer was at least 30 feet wide.  Of course, the local authorities  immediately announced there was no need to be alarmed. 

As Yahoo News reports, Sheriff Don Read told the town's people  that this was a actually just a drone created by  Northrop Grumman.  Later a  PR man from Northrop Grumman claimed that this strange  craft was just an X-47B drone, destined for use by the Navy.  Not a UFO...

Of corsce  we all know the Gvernment would never lie to the people, i mean it's not like they would keep such a thing like this a secret right?.....

Don't kid yourself, the Government always lie's for one convoluted, or self serving reason or another, the public will only ever hear misleading fact's or half truth's, if anything at all.....

The PR man, whose official name is Brooks McKinney, just added to the frisson of fright by saying:

"Clearly people are interested in what's going through town. It's unusual to see a shrink-wrapped aircraft, especially one with that shape."

Weather or not you believe the government's official, "This is just a Drone and nothing more" explanation is internally up to you, but the fact that the residents couldn't see through the wrapping to confirm that this was really a spy plane, is what seems to be fueling there curiosity most of all..

Mr McKinney even had an answer as to why the drone didn't fly to its alleged destination in Maryland: "It's difficult to fly an unmanned drone through commercial airspace."
It all sounds very plausible.  But in times in when Earth like planet's are being discovered on a somewhat frequent bases, and UFO sighting;s around the world seem to be on the rise, who can really be sure what to believe in anymore?

So was this a Real Life UFO or just a Drone, who know's, But something strange is happening, and no amount of PR spinning is going to change that.

Keep watching the sky's, you never know what you may see....