Not Paranormal, but just felt like posting in here lol...
This is a Letter i sent to a few senators and others earlier this month..
The main part of this letter in concerning the top two leaders of the
Senate Intelligence Committee Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Saxby
Chambliss, and her resent attempts to overwinter part of the U.S.
constitution IE Freedom of Press, However there are many serious
problems AND People in Washington right now that should be addressed..
President Obama.
Mike Hayden.
Dianne Feinstein.
Saxby Chambliss.
Kit Bond.
Ron Wyden.
Mike Rogers.
Dutch Ruppersberger.
To Miss Feinstein and whom ever else it may concern.
I'm writing to you today because of my concerns that we as American
citizens that we are losing more and more of our individual freedom,
because of dangerous and down right crooked laws being passed by you and
other self serving egocentric representatives like you!!
Governments ever tightening strangle hold on Americas civil liberty's
and god given right to freedom is becoming increasingly disturbing, This
is a serious problem which seems to be ignored by most politicians The
federal government is continually seeking information from organizations
that collect personal information, such as wireless carriers Verizon,
At&T etc, that can supposedly aid law enforcement and intelligence
organizations. While this may seem like an important tool for enforcing
the law and fighting terrorism, it also essentially makes almost every
interaction whether private, business, or otherwise somewhat
self-incriminating.because of the passing of bills such as The PATRIOT
Act of 2001,Drones over U.S. Airspace, the recent FISA Expansion, SIGAD
US-984XN Also known as PRISM (NSA spying Program, The NDAA..
(National Defense Authorization Act) ..The suspension of Habeas
Corpus and possible indefinite Detention of anyone the government clams
to be a potential threat, meaning anyone that disagrees with the
totalitarian ideology that seems to permeate Washington these
days..... Can and will be held prisoner if not killed on the spot, which
would not surprise me in the lease given the way the police are !
That combined with Eric Holders ( U.S. Attorney General ) Statement
back in March Claiming that The Obama administration believes it could
technically use military force to kill an American on U.S. soil in an
"extraordinary circumstance" but has "no intention of doing so"...Yeah
until you next False Flag attack then you will have all the reason you
need to test the boundary of your authority, (Martial Law) and if Obama
doesn't then the next person in office will, Government abuses and miss
uses authority at every given opportunity!
Now retired
General Michael Hayden, former director of the CIA and NSA under the
Bush administration was The man who secretly implemented that illegal
domestic spying program, The very same Michael Hayden who is now
frequently presented by the media outlets as the authority and expert on
the current NSA controversy - all without ever mentioning the central
role he played in overseeing that illegal warrantless eavesdropping
program. At the time it was illegal under a 30-year-old law that made
it's a felony, punishable by up to 5 years in prison for each offense,
He should be rotting in a cell right now for that alone, not to mention
the unclassified project's that he has in charge of during his time in
office... Although both the Bush and Obama DOJs ultimately prevented
final adjudication by raising claims of secrecy and standing, and the
"Look Forward, Not Backward (for powerful elites Now you call for Edward
Snowden to be punished and made an example of because he released
information to the public about your lie's and spying on U.S citizens ,
your statement that Edward Snowden will likely prove to be the most
costly leaker of American secrets in the history of the Republic...Sorry
Mike but you are still as clueless as ever the government dose NOT and
should never (despite what some believe) have absolute authority, to
spy, imprison, or kill just to further individual or political agendas,
all your years of armed service to our country have sadly done very
little good for your sense of patriotism, thats a shame!
As a
senator, Spokesman, Member of the Military etc, you and your fellow
representatives ( Greedy, warmongering,lobbyist loving Government
lapdogs) are suppose to represent the interests and concerns of the
people that elected you, and uphold the Constitution, Not systematically
strip away our rights as U.S citizens.
The recent attempt by
Dianne Feinstein to pass legislation that if successful will redefine
what a journalist is, (Meaning you will get ride of any and all
Alternative News outlets online or otherwise in favor of the government
run dribble that is Main stream media) as well as your disturbing
statement that The First Amendment Is A Special Privilege Not a right.
Is just Bull shit!!
You and every other member of the House and
Senate all the way up to the President and every Government employ are
only in office to pass laws that will benefit the nation as a whole, but
all you seem to be able to do right is bitch and moan to one another,
and take extended vacations on the tax payers dime!
Just a short Refresher course,,,(You Miss Feinsteinas as a senator SHOULD already know this.....
The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution
prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion,
impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the FREEDOM OF
SPEECH, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the
right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a
governmental redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791.
Whats next State Controlled Media, oh what we already have that....All
main stream media is a fixed game run by the Government, CNN, FOX,
MSNBC, ABC CBS etc. This is nothing more then a blatant attempt to
circumvent the constitution and limit the peoples rights as well as the
free flow of information.
The NSA, CIA, and DOI, not to
mention the military, Secret Service, FBI and DHS and many other groups
dedicated to espionage and spying on anyone and everyone, this is Not a
free country anymore and it's been going downhill for a long time
now.The government is more concerned with War Profiteering and lobbyist
hand outs that they no longer care about the needs of average Americans
anymore, Unless your wealthy that is!
On another topic why try
to limit gun ownership which is The Second Amendment, The right to
Keep and Bear Arm's.. in case that one somehow slipped your mind too.
Citizens can not be trusted but its perfectly acceptable for the
Government to stockpile 2 Billion Rounds of ammunition... Lie's,
Deception and hypocrisy that is the way you do things in Washington
anymore.. It's pathetic!
President Obama you were elected to
bring change to an already corrupted government, and well i do agree
with some of your policy's there are far to many things that i do not
agree with such as your recent attempt to get us into yet another
conflict over seas, The lose of so many people is a terrible thing, but
America is NOT the world Police, our economy is in trouble, we have had
more then enough of these bull shit wars and we just need a leader that
will put the people of this country first, Bush saw greed and and
opportunity to take control of foreign oil as well as settle a personal
grudge he had with Saddam regarding his father, Far to many good men and
woman died for that Americans and Iraqis, and we as a nation are still
paying for that mistake we are now trillions of dollars in debt!
America is in desperate need of the change that you spoke of, and it
must be change for the better stop allowing the passing of bills that
limit or downright remove our constitutional rights, as President it is
up to you to turn this country around.
We need term limits
for ALL members of congress, No more Lobbyist controlled vote's, No
More life time politicians, Stop trying to re-writ the constitution
based on your individual interpretation of it, or to suit your own
political need's, Stop funding wars and start taking care of the people
you are suppose to represent!
Do your dame Jobs or leave office and
let someone more capability of holding office and putting people before
corporations and personal greed take over!